AOE Outdoor LED Intelligent Interactive Floor Screen – Helping Zhuhai Novotown Build An International Cultural Tourism Commercial Complex

Zhuhai Novotown, An International Cultural Tourism And Commercial Complex In The Greater Bay Area


Zhuhai NOVOTOWN” is located in the Hengqin Economic Development Zone at the junction of the Zhuhai Delta and the South China Sea. It is surrounded by green rocks and beautiful scenery. Backed by the Pearl River Delta and connected to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the unique geographical advantage has transformed Novoto into an international cultural tourism and commercial complex in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and also made it an important cultural and tourism industry project for the coordinated development of the radiating area.


Zhuhai NOVOTOWN is a highly creative landmark complex. Its architectural design concept is an open hand, which means that the past, present and future are all in our hands. Seamlessly connect multiple business formats through a large number of open spaces and green corridors, set up open-air dining, outdoor activities and other places as transitions, use a large number of digital display terminals to break the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces, and integrate commercial retail, leisure, office, sports and cultural facilities. In one, we strive to provide tourists with a one-stop immersive cultural and tourism experience and create a world-class tourism and leisure center.

Among them, the approximately 60-square-meter “The Shan-Shui Riverside” interactive experience Internet celebrity scene created using AOE’s Outdoor LED intelligent interactive floor screen solution creates an immersive experience space for tourists that integrates light and shadow interaction, leisure and entertainment, and parent-child companionship. It is not only a trendy place for young people, but also a good place to take children to play.


Youtube: <AOE Outdoor Intelligent Interactive Floor Screen Zhuhai Novotown Project>


Deeply Integrate Business Formats To Stimulate Consumption Momentum

Create Cultural Tourism City Landmark Attractions

AOE LED intelligent interactive floor screen, as a star product that has shone in the cultural tourism industry in recent years, has been continuously integrated with cultural tourism industry projects to help create unique cultural IP and landmark attractions. Using XR display system independently developed by AOE and interactive patented technology, it can create a creative scene that combines reality and reality, bringing visitors an unprecedented multi-sensory immersive experience, truly realizing the perfect combination of technology and art.


AOE’s LED intelligent interactive floor screen integrates the theme of the project attractions for creative matching, creating an immersive experience scene space, which greatly enhances the fun and interactivity of cultural tourism projects. It will bring explosive attention and passenger flow to cultural tourism projects, enhance the overall image of cultural tourism projects in the minds of tourists, bring new experiences to the new business formats of the projects, and stimulate new consumption and new momentum.

Empowering Cultural Tourism Business Innovation And Upgrading

Promote The Development Of Urban Cultural Tourism

In addition, the project party can also apply AOE’s multiple sets of LED floor screen solutions, which can add more creativity and ingenuity to various scene spaces. Through AOE’s LED floor tile screen and intelligent interactive technology, wall-to-ground linkage technology, XR Technology, etc. to create a cool, sci-fi, immersive experience space and create creative interactive cultural tourism commercial projects.

AOE’s LED intelligent interactive floor tile screen solution can not only enhance tourists’ interactive experience and viewing experience, but also use creative design and customized solutions to empower the construction of new cultural tourism formats, detonate the main industry, and establish the core attraction of cultural tourism projects, build core competitiveness and bring unlimited commercial value and customer experience advantages to projects.

Post time: Nov-13-2023