What is XR virtual photography? Introduction and system composition

As imaging technology enters the 4K/8K era, XR virtual shooting technology has emerged, using advanced technology to build realistic virtual scenes and achieve shooting effects. The XR virtual shooting system consists of LED display screens, video recording systems, audio systems, etc., to achieve seamless conversion between virtual and reality. Compared with traditional shooting, XR virtual shooting has obvious advantages in cost, cycle and scene conversion, and is widely used in film and television, advertising, education and other fields.

Imaging technology has entered the 4K/8K ultra-high-definition era, bringing revolutionary changes to the film and television industry. Traditional shooting methods are often limited by factors such as venue, weather, and scene construction, making it difficult to achieve ideal visual effects and sensory experience.

With the rapid development of computer graphics technology, camera tracking technology, and real-time engine rendering technology, the construction of digital virtual scenes has become a reality, and XR virtual shooting technology has emerged.

What is XR virtual shooting?

XR virtual shooting is a new shooting method that uses advanced technical means and creative design to virtually construct a virtual scene with a high sense of reality in a real scene to achieve a shooting effect.

Basic introduction to XR virtual shooting

The XR virtual shooting system consists of LED display screens, video recording systems, audio systems, server systems, etc., combined with extended reality (XR) technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), to interactively integrate the generated virtual scene with the real scene to achieve an “immersive” experience of seamless transition between the virtual and real worlds.

Compared with traditional shooting methods, XR virtual shooting technology has obvious advantages in production costs, shooting cycles and scene conversion. In the process of XR virtual shooting, LED display screens are used as a medium for virtual scenes, allowing actors to perform in a virtual environment full of realism. High-definition LED display screens ensure the realism of the shooting effect. At the same time, its high flexibility and cost-effectiveness provide a more efficient and economical option for film and television production.


XR virtual shooting six major system architectures

1. LED display screen

Sky screen, video wall, LED floor screen, etc.

2. Video recording system

Professional-grade camera, camera tracker, video switcher, monitor, mechanical jib, etc.

3. Audio system

Professional-grade audio, audio processor, mixer, audio power amplifier, pickup, etc.

4. Lighting system

Lighting control console, lighting workstation, spotlight, soft light, etc.

5. Video processing and synthesis

Playback server, rendering server, synthesis server, HD video splicer, etc.

6. Material library

Stock footage, scene material, visual material, naked eye 3D material, etc.

XR application scenarios

Film and television production, advertising shooting, cultural tourism concert, marketing conference, education innovation, exhibition display, e-commerce product promotion, big data visualization, etc.


Post time: Feb-22-2024